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Its missions:
The Commission on Access to Documents (Commission d'accès aux documents - CAD) was created by the law of 14 September 2018 on a transparent and open administration.
It is an independent administrative body of a consulting nature. It is established under the Prime Minister.
Its missions are, according to article 9 of the law:
- to ensure the right of access to documents in the conditions foreseen by the law;
- to give advice to relevant entities on any question regarding the application of the law;
- to publish an annual report.
The CAD issues opinions but does not take binding decisions.
Its composition:
The CAD has 5 members:
- a member of the judiciary, who chairs the Commission;
- a representative of the Prime Minister;
- a representative of the National Commission for Data Protection (Commission nationale pour la protection des données – CNPD);
- a representative of the syndicate of Luxembourg’s cities and municipalities Syvicol;
- a representative of the Information and Press Service (Service information et presse – SIP).
The full members and alternate members of the CAD are nominated for 4 years by Grand Ducal decree.